Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

How my writing is growing

     When I heard the new assignment for the latest paper, I was a little worried.  How was I going to write six to eight pages on one website or commercial?  When I picked HONY, a blog of pictures, I had no idea how I was going to turn thousands of pictures into one essay.  I did not know where to even start with analyzing.  I finally focused on a few solid points after doing the helpful SOAPSTone and observation/inference chart.  As I compiled these points, the essay began to write itself.  Words started flowing and I became more confident about my paper.  I had written a much better rough draft than my last paper after spending a couple of days really focusing on it.  My improvement showed when I went into my conference.  There was still a fair amount of things to change, but there were also a lot of positives.  I even got a high-five for coming up with an unique argument. 
     As per a requirement of one of the blog posts, I had a friend look at it and make changes.  She was really helpful in pointing out places I could improve.  After all the help everyone gave me in and out of class, I realized this essay was done considerably better than my last.  I think my rhetorical analysis was stronger, clearer, and more concise.   However, next time I want to go to the Think Tank and have them look at my paper because I think they would be a lot of help. 

     Looking back on my writing process, I realize how much I have learned about rhetorical analysis.  For instance, your argument is made considerably stronger when you have an example.  My first draft did not have a lot of examples and Dr. Bell pointed this out at our conference.  When I re-wrote it with examples, my argument was more compelling and authoritative.  Now that I realize how crucial examples are in making a convincing point, I am ready to write my next essay, and hopefully continue to grow in my writing.  

I commented on Laura'sKatie's, and Michael Gee's blogs.


  1. I definitely agree with you that writing a eight page paper about a commercial or website was terrifying! However, it was easier than I thought it would be! Making an observation and inference chart helped me as well!

  2. I am glad to see that you are steadily improving in your writing! I do feel that having another person read your paper and critique it gives new insight as to what parts need improving. I also recommend the Think Tank. Although the walk-in appointments are only 15 minutes, you will be surprised by how how can be covered in that small time frame!

  3. I totally understand your nervousness about writing 6-8 pages. I was so sure I would have nothing to write about, but I ended up actually having to condense my paper! I'm glad your paper ended up well and that you were able to incorporate more examples, I'm sure they really helped your argument/analysis along!

  4. The 6-8 page requirement is always a scary one until you realize how much double spacing actually helps. And of course how much you actually do have to write about, because, at least for me, once I start analyzing I can't stop and I always feel like I have to justify myself more than I need to. I am glad that you feel confident about your paper and feel that your writing is improving, I feel the same way about my writing!
