Saturday, October 10, 2015


The tampon company Always hired Lauren Greenfield, the photographer of Girl Culture, to film a commercial that shows how both genders view girls. Society, with the exception of pre-puberty girls, view girls as the weaker sex. Girls cannot throw a ball, run, or fight properly. This image of girls harms them as they enter the volatile puberty age where they become increasingly self conscious. Both men and women of all ages should become aware of the detrimental consequences their misconceptions have on girls as they develop. Girls will perceive themselves as the weaker sex because that is what society teaches them. In the commercial, everybody in the commercial viewed girls as the weak, delicate, and silly in the way they threw a ball, ran, and fought. The only exception was the young girls who saw themselves as strong and empowered. They had not become susceptible to the myth and parody of expression 'like a girl.'
Everybody needs to be more aware of the repercussions of these dangerous thoughts of disparage towards girls because it severely hurts their confidence levels. Society needs to be more reflective of who they perceive girls to be and how they spread the belittling of girls. Always and Lauren Greenfield do a nice job of transferring their opinion in a reflective, humorous tone.

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