Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Field of Study

     I am in the business management major.  In this major, we learn about how to manage and work with people.  As the name suggests, a lot of students who graduate with this major go on to be managers for both small and large companies.  I was drawn to this field because I want to open a clothing store one day and believe it is beneficial to know how to manage people and a company in order to have a successful, well run business.
     One famous person in the business field right now is the influential Sheryl Sandberg.  She is COO (chief operating officer) of Facebook and was the first woman to serve on its board.  She is fighting for more woman to be in powerful positions of large companies, such as Facebook or Netflix.  
     Another famous person in the business field is Karl-Johan Persson.  He became CEO of H&M at the young age of 34 and brought change to the company.  He acknowledged that the models were too thin, and hired more curvaceous ones.  He also strives to raise the minimum wage in developing countries where H&M's clothes are made.  These are just two examples of influential people in the business field right now.
     The Harvard Business Review is one of the most well know business journals.  It is published in New York.  The MIT Sloan Management Review is published in Cambridge, Massachusetts and its main focus is on management.  The California Management Review is published in Berkeley, California and addresses how to be a successful manager.

Reflection: I read Massimo Pascale and Gabi Dodson's blogs.  It was really interesting to read Massimo's about the misconceptions of astronomy.  I had always been ignorant about it and figured you just looked at stars, but I realized it involves a lot of math and originality.  Gab's was also interesting because psychology was my original major and still really fascinates and intrigues me.  I realized there are so many different ways to incorporate psychology into other fields, and it could definitely be useful in managing and marketing to people.  I can see how I will incorporate psychology knowledge to become a successful boss.

Comment on Gabi Dodson's

Comment on Massimo Pascale's


  1. I've always wondered about what drew people into business, and now I have a better understanding. I always thought of business in the form of marketing, so now that I can think of it in the form of management, I definitely see the appeal. I learned that there is truly a more personal side to business, as it is true, in order to have a successful business, you need to be able to manage your employees. What convinced you to want to open your own clothing store? Was it an interest in fashion?

  2. Business was never something I was extremely drawn to because I always thought there was a heavy focus on finances, but I guess I never thought about it in the terms of starting my own business! I learned that it takes a a lot to have a successful company and management is key part of that. I definitely appreciate the creativity and personal touch that goes along with running your own clothing store. Did you always know that you wanted to start your own business?
