Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Difference Between Employer, Date, and Roommate

The words employer, date, and roommate rarely overlap in a conversation.  They are not seen as synonyms or even words that would elicit the same descriptions.  When you are looking for a job, you want to use words that will make you appear worthy of a job, so words like responsible, hard-working, and intuitive came to mind and were easy to decipher from the date and, even, the roommate descriptions. With a date, you want to go more the route of romantic and fun, so words like adventurous, loving, and caring were easily separated from serious employee and organized roommate. A roommate is someone you have to live with, so words like reliable, organized, and easy going come to mind and our group was able to separate roommate descriptions form the other two because it was a combination of responsible employee and fun date.  
  I had rarely analyzed rhetorical situations before except in past English classes, but our class only spent a day or two on it. However, it did play a role in my life the other day. My friends and I were in the rec room and we were talking about movies and debating the better place to watch them-movie theaters or at home. I took the side of movie theaters, one of my friends took the side of home, but the other two were undecided. I backed up my argument with personal experience such as at home you get too distracted to watch the actual movie and it's more exciting to see it in theaters. I wanted them to agree with me, so we could go out to see a movie this weekend instead of staying in the dorm to watch one on the couch. They listened and agreed with me that movie theaters are a better place to watch movies because they agreed with my reasoning.
  How often do use rhetorical situations in your life?

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