Saturday, November 28, 2015

Refugee Rhetoric

     Lately there has been a lot of unrest in Syria with the ISIS bombings there and a lot of Syrians have sought refugee in places like Europe and America.  However, many of these countries are closing their doors to Syrian refugees because they are concerned that terrorists will get into their country under the false pretense of needing shelter.  Even though America has always been seen as an open door to immigrants, they are closing their door on Syrian refugees.
     This cartoon is addressing American's against refugees coming to America, which is against American philosophy.  It is also shows how the country was founded by pilgrims escaping religious persecution, yet now we are not going to accept Syrians who are also suffering from religious persecution.  This is exemplified with a differing message and purpose.  The message is that we are restricting refugees from the Middle East because of terrorist attacks and subsequent threats.  The purpose wants us to rethink our attitude towards accepting refugees and consider our history and wonder where we would be if Indians had not accepted the first pilgrims when they were escaping religious persecution.  The reader must understand the story of Thanksgiving and what is happening in the Middle East right now to fully understand the cartoon and the purpose of it.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thesis Statement for Rhetorical Analysis

I wrote my argument to Taylor Swift about how I think she should put her music back on Spotify.  I am a fan of hers, and I think it would be in her best interest if her music was available for streaming again.

"I personalized my letter to include multiple logical business arguments, like how streaming would increase the number of people who would listen to her music and buy tour tickets, for the money savvy Taylor Swift to hopefully persuade her to return her music to Spotify." 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Background Research

Link to my background research.

I looked at Benjamin Weiss's and Katie Lista's background research.