Everyone who listens to music on a streaming website could be impacted if popular artists like Taylor Swift start a movement to remove their music from places like Spotify. I am writing my letter to artists like Taylor Swift, so the most affected would be any singer or record dealer. Specifically, I am focusing on artists who do not think they are getting a large enough royalty from being on Spotify. I want them to realize Spotify is not the bad guy, and to put their music back on the free streaming website. I think my audience will be familiar with Spotify, but I also think they are missing some crucial information and only focusing on what benefits their point of view. I think anyone interested in the Spotify debate could read my letter if they wanted to hear more information about it. I think that the artists could be hostile because they believe they are right and do not want to hear dissenting views. I also think that record dealers could be hostile because I am going to write about how they are taking a lot of the royalties that could be going to artists. I think my audience needs to understand how the money Spotify acquires is divided among artists, Spotify, and record dealers.